Friday, March 27, 2020





Due to the economic situation we are seeing an increase in tenants unable to pay rent. We have a strategy in place to support all of our managed landlords, with effective diligence to protect you, our clients, from opportunistic tenants and similarly to ensure that we collect some rent as opposed to no rent, for you. Therefore, if we notice a reduced or non-rent payment, even if the tenant has or has not contacted us, we initiate our process which includes:


  1. Clarifying with evidence as to exactly what their financial and employment status is. (including current and last 3 months pay slips, current and last 3 months bank statements and letters from employers)
  2. Keeping in regular communication with the tenant by phone and email.
  1. Educating tenants on what grants they are entitled to and where they go to get them, when they can get them and universal credit options to them
  1. We update tenants on the importance and benefit to them of making, some payment, against, no payment. 
  2. We provide help and support to tenants finding new employment by way of educating them on industries and companies currently on recruitment drives.


Myself and my colleagues are up to speed with the new grants and legislation updated on a daily basis and are well positioned to manage the situation as effectively as possible.


What should I do if my tenant cannot pay the rent or can only pay part of the rent and you do not manage my property?


If we do not manage your property but you would like us to begin to negotiate and effectively manage the situation with your tenant, then please contact myself or my team and we will do our best to accommodate you and move you into our managed services. We want to help everyone where we can, but please understand that my colleagues are working from home, under difficult circumstances and are now dealing with situations that we have not planned or experienced before. I can assure you that we will look at each case and help you where we can.


Finally, we will be sending out more information about all major lenders and how to contact them to ask for a payment holiday should you require one. Please watch out for more emails and updates from us by email and Facebook.



From all our industry peers, leaders and governing bodies

some rent NOT no rent


We have over 150 years of property and landlord experience between us all, as well as access to the UK’s leading governing bodies and industry experts with whom we are in daily communication with. We are keeping up to speed with the evolving legislation and grants available to people and when they can apply for them and we are education our tenants accordingly.

I wish you all a safe journey through this troubled time and we will continue to keep you updated


Stay safe

Stay home

Save lives


Richard Zeff

Managing Director