If you're not going forward, you're going backwards
It is over 2 years now since we re-branded to Stones Residential and our philosophy has always been to continually strive for improvement. In business they say, there is no such thing as being stagnant. The moment you think you're doing everything just as it should be done and all you need to do is keep sailing with the wind in your back, you're asking for your ship to sink.
Our procedures, systems and marketing processes are constantly reviewed, strategies are discussed and opinions shared. This daily practise keeps the entire company enrolled in working as a team and constantly moving forward. The role of looking after continuous improvement is shared between the head of marketing and our senior management team which ensures improvements are achieved throughout the company. We have found as more employees are engaged in the process of continuous improvement, the more successful we are.
Similarly, we are continually asking you, as to what the experience of being one of customers is like and we are thrilled to have over 95% positive feedback. We do not take your custom lightly and always ask for where you think we could improve.
Market update
With the endless speculation and media attention of the property market it can often appear difficult to gauge exactly what is going on. What we do know for definite is that since rental prices moved up sharply in quarter 3 and 4 of 2015, they are now at a constant and as always we advise our landlords that a good tenant paying a realistic rent is always the favoured choice.
The sales market clearly moved on significantly in quarter 1 of 2016. This was probably due to the increase in Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) which came into place from 1st April 2016. Therefore, anyone buying a 2nd home will now have to pay an additional 3% on top of the current SDLT rates. This drove many buy-to-let investors to get their purchases in early this year. Though the general consensus is that these changes are not going to support growth in the market, exactly what the long term impact that this will have is yet unclear. What we do know however is there is still a significant shortage of properties for sale and this in itself is going to prop the market up for the foreseeable future.
Should you be considering selling or letting your property then please contact the Stones Residential team in confidence on 020 8954 0045.