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West Hampstead Area Guide

Monday, September 28, 2020

West Hampstead is slightly more down to earth than some of its neighbours, which might be appealing or not depending on your personality.


Maximise Your Rental Income – North West London Landlords

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

If you are a landlord, you should look to maximise your rental income, and the right letting agent will help you achieve this goal. If you are a landlord in North West London, you’ll find Stones Residential is ideally placed to ensure you make the most of your time, money and investment in the local letting market.


Why Is The Housing Market So Busy Right Now?

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

With the UK officially in a recession, it is a valid question for people to ask why is the housing market so busy right now. 2020 has been an extremely challenging year, and there are many more economic and financial challenges to come in the remainder of this year, and the next.


Properties Are Selling Quickly Right Now

Friday, September 18, 2020

When you consider the potential savings on offer with the stamp duty holiday, and the deadline of 31 st March 2021, it is no surprise to see so much activity in the housing market right now. However, there might be some surprise at how quickly houses are selling right now.


St John’s Wood Area Guide

Saturday, September 26, 2020

At times it seems as though St John’s Wood is more for tourists than residents. The famous zebra crossing on Abbey Road is always busy, and Lord’s Cricket Ground brings in people on a daily basis. In this regard, St John’s Wood has been overlooked by many prospective buyers, but doing so would mean missing out on a gem of a location.


South Hampstead Area Guide

Thursday, September 17, 2020

While South Hampstead might be overlooked or mistaken for some of its more illustrious neighbours, you would be wrong to dismiss what this charming part of the capital has to offer. There is a strong sense of history in South Hampstead, and a conservation area that lives strong in the present day.