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Electrical Safety Standards For Landlords: July 2020

Thursday, July 23, 2020

If you are a local landlord who needs help complying with regulations, we are here to assist you. Make sure you stay in touch with electrical safety standards which changed in 2020.


Garden Safety And Security Tips For Homeowners

Monday, July 20, 2020

Buyers are looking for garden space more than ever before. If you can provide likely buyers with an attractive garden, you will go a long way to connecting with them.


Why Energy Efficiency Matters For Landlords

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Landlords need to consider the improtance of energy efficiency. We can help you present a green focus for your rental property, helping you connect with likely tenants.


Why Floor Plans Sell Homes

Monday, July 13, 2020

A floor plan is essential for buyers, so as a vendor, you need to provide this feature. We aim to help you connect with likely buyers, so make sure you provide everything a likely buyer wants to see.


Stones Residential Summer Statement

Friday, July 10, 2020

Summer statement – market update Summer statement – market update Following on from the summer statement from this week and in particular the changes to stamp duty land tax, we wanted to send out our own summer statement to help you with any decisions you may be looking to make around your own property decisions.


Why Landlords Should Offer Virtual Tours

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Technology has long been central to the rental industry, but this even more so the case in the present day. Landlords looking to connect with tenants will find virtual tours to be of considerable benefit.